This horror show revolves around the village of Jinyang County and a bizarre phenomenon that exists in the form of a possessed Buddhist statue.
list of five new K-dramas to add to your watchlist this month.
South Korean comedian girl group Celeb Five brainstorms content for a comedy special in this behind-the-scenes mockumentary.Release Date : 1st April
Celeb Five: Behind the Curtain
Five mothers with children in elementary school form a community by keeping their enemies close, and one another closer.Release Date : 6th April
Green Mothers’ Club
love action-packed spy movies that are all about covert operations and Mission Impossible-type things.Release Date :22nd April
Yaksha: Ruthless Operations
The story of three siblings eager to escape their monotonous, uninteresting lives — a wish that is met by the arrival of a mysterious stranger..Release Date :9TH April
My Liberation Notes
This horror show revolves around the village of Jinyang County and a bizarre phenomenon that exists in the form of a possessed Buddhist statue. Release Date :22nd April